Friday, October 1, 2010

Mami Mommy se presenta / Mami Mommy introduces herself

¡Hola y bienvenida a mi blog Mami means Mommy

Me encanta ser madre, me encanta ser ama de casa y me encanta escribir. Así que en este blog mezclo estas tres pasiones para comunicarte las cosas que me han funcionado, o no, respecto a temas del hogar, economía familiar, homeschooling, crianza y cocina. Mi fin es inspirarte a que goces de la bendición que Dios te da de cuidar de tu familia y ayudarte a mejorar tu vida  como ama de casa.  Disfruta de este blog y déjame saber tus ideas. 

Mami means Mommy es bilingüe porque vivo entre dos culturas a las cuales quiero alcanzar. Soy un alma caribeña viviendo una aventura en los Estados Unidos con mi esposo y mis dos hijos. 


¡Hi and welcome to my blog Mami means Mommy!
I love being a mother, I love being a housewife and I love writing. So in this blog I mix these three passions to let you know the things that have worked, or not,  on issues of housework, family income, homeschooling, parenting and cooking. My aim is to inspire you to enjoy the blessing that God gives you to take care of your family and help you improve your life as a homemaker. Enjoy this blog and let me know your ideas. 

Mami means Mommy is bilingual because I live between two cultures and want to be able to reach  both communities.  I am a Caribbean soul living an adventure in the States with my husband and two sons.


  1. I'll have to prepare a "Papi means Daddy" blog, because I also like raising my kids and teaching them. Not so fond of cooking or cleaning around the house though; but I do it all the time (at least the cleaning part...ha,ha,ha.)

    Congrats on the blog!! Hope it also serves to show our Puerto Rican flavor and dissipate misconceptions. Not everything that sounds or looks Puerto Rican is really Puerto Rican...if you know what I mean.

    A big hug...

    Mr Weus
